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rating scales

lujvo scale:
0. Does not require knowledge of lujvo.
1. Requires recognizing a word as a valid lujvo.
2. Requires decomposing a lujvo into its components or recognizing that two 
forms of a lujvo are the same word.
3. Requires knowing the meaning of a defined lujvo.

fu'ivla type scale:
0. Does not require knowledge of fu'ivla.
1. Requires knowledge of type-1 fu'ivla.
2. Requires knowledge of type-2 fu'ivla.
3. Requires knowledge of type-3 fu'ivla.
4. Requires knowledge of type-4 fu'ivla.

fu'ivla scale:
0. Does not require knowledge of fu'ivla.
1. Requires recognizing a valid fu'ivla. (Ignore types 1 and 2; recognizing a 
valid type-2 is considered recognizing a cmevla.)
2. Requires figuring out the meaning of a fu'ivla from context.
3. Requires knowing the meaning of a defined fu'ivla.

cmene scale:
0. Does not require knowledge of cmene.
1. Requires recognizing a valid cmevla. (A selbri preceded by "la" doesn't 
count here; it's a grammatical construct.)
2. Requires figuring out the meaning of a cmene from context.
3. Requires knowing the meaning of a defined cmene.

We also need scales for gismu, cmavo, and grammar, I think.

"la .rampal. zgipli lo _flani_" requires either knowing the meaning of the 
cmene or decomposing the lujvo. (It is assumed, when rating a question for 
lujvo, that the testee knows the meanings of all gismu in the decomposition 
and other gismu in the question.) Only one answer is a musical instrument, so 
knowing "zgi-" is sufficient, and knowing who Rampal was is also sufficient.

When a barnacle settles down, its brain disintegrates.
Já não percebe nada, já não percebe nada.