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[lojban-beginners] sumti before and after "composite" selbri

Is {la stelas. mi xendo gi'e prami} the same as {la stelas. xendo gi'e 
prami mi}?

(It appears not; in the first case, {mi} is x2 of both {xendo} and 
{prami}, in the second only of {prami}.)

Is {la stelas. mi xendo je prami} the same as {la stelas. xendo je 
prami mi}?

(It appears so -- that {mi} is x2 of both {xendo} and {prami}, 
regardless of the order.)

What is the difference between the sentence with {gi'e} and the 
sentence with {je}?

What are the forethought versions? Is it {la stelas mi ge xendo gi 
prami} for the version with {gi'e} and {la stelas mi gu'e xendo gi 
prami} for the version with {je}?

mu'o mi'e .filip.
Philip Newton <pnewton@gmx.de>