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[Wikineurotic] Wiki page Lojban changed by najrut

The page Lojban was changed by najrut at 11:24 UTC

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@@ -Lines: 39-43 changed to +Lines: 39-43 @@

- This website's text content can be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license (CC-BY-SA), version CC BY.
+ This website's text content can be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license (CC-BY).
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The new page content follows below.

{BOX(title="Community Activity" width="27%" float="right" class="community-activity")}

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{img attId="817" thumb="y" height="40%" imalign="right" align="right" stylebox="border" desc="Lojban class at Logfest 2011, San Mateo, California, USA."}Lojban is a carefully constructed spoken language designed in the hope of removing a large portion of the ambiguity from human communication. It was made well-known by a ((Scientific American article)) and references in [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Moon_Is_a_Harsh_Mistress#Influence|science fiction] Lojban has been built over five decades by dozens of workers and hundreds of supporters.

Lojban has a number of features which make it unique:

* Lojban is designed to be used by people in __communication__ with each other, and possibly in the future with computers.

* Lojban is designed to be __culturally neutral__.

* Lojban has an __unambiguous grammar__, which is based on the __principles of logic__.

* Lojban has __phonetic spelling__, and unambiguous resolution of sounds into words. 

* Lojban is __simple__ compared to natural languages; it is easy to learn. 

* Lojban's __1300 root words__ can be easily combined to form a vocabulary of __millions of words__. 

* Lojban is regular; the rules of the language are __without exception__. 

* Lojban attempts to __remove restrictions__ on creative and clear thought and communication. 

* Lojban has a __variety of uses__, ranging from the creative to the scientific, from the theoretical to the practical.

Interested?  See and hear an [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtEtnpdm7kI|example of spoken Lojban].  You can also see this page  [la lojban. mo?no_bl=y|written in Lojban].

((Learning|Learn Lojban now)) or read the ((Lojban Introductory Brochure|introductory brochure)) for a more detailed description of Lojban.

!!The Logical Language Group

This site is the official repository of materials from ((The Logical Language Group)) (LLG), the non-profit corporation which has led Lojban development since 1987.

As part of the LLG's commitment to the community, this site attempts to reflect a cross section of the Lojban community outside of the LLG. Some of the material on this site isn't officially sanctioned, but what is official is explicitly stated.


*{ALINK(pagename=>What's New?,aname=>12June2012)}12 June 2012{ALINK} Robin Lee Powell, the full member of BPFK committee suggested the idea of a Lojban hackathon; that is, a time period strictly devoted to that sort of thing, ideally in person, but at least with real-time communication throughout. Currently, the Lojban community has a very long list of programming and programming-like (CLLv1.1) things that need to happen around here. Interested may write [https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/lojban/SAlyiNkAvrw|here].

*{ALINK(pagename=>What's New?,aname=>7June2012)}7 June 2012{ALINK} jbonunsla, the sometimes-annual social gathering for members of the Lojban community, will be held this year in the San Francisco Bay Area, in which many Lojbanists reside. It will be held primarily on Saturday, 7 July 2012 and Sunday, 8 July 2012. The gathering will take place in a shared hotel room in San Mateo. Read [https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/lojban/KtHm8qDKniM|details].

*{ALINK(pagename=>What's New?,aname=>24February2012)}24 February 2012 {ALINK}If you still like the feel of a real book, you'll love this! An illustrated hard copy of the xorxes translation of 'Alice in Wonderland' is finally available.  The book, 'lo selfri be la .alis. bei bu'u la selmacygu'e', can be found in the [http://www.blurb.com/bookstore/detail/3007193|Blurb] bookstore. {ALINK(pagename=>What's New?,aname=>24February2012)}  More... {ALINK}

*{ALINK(pagename=>What's New?,aname=>22August2011)}22 August 2011 {ALINK}The Lojban community's annual convention, [jbonunsla|Logfest] (known in Lojban as [jbonunsla|jbonunsla]), was held on Saturday July 2 and Sunday July 3 at the  [http://www.holidayinn.com/hotels/us/en/san-mateo/sfosm/hoteldetail/directions|Holiday Inn] in San Mateo, California, USA. {ALINK(pagename=>What's New?,aname=>22August2011)}  More... {ALINK}

*{ALINK(pagename=>What's New?,aname=>3June2011)}3 June 2011 {ALINK} Here is a well-presented [http://youtu.be/hO-F3OVWO4k|update] on how language shapes "the most fundamental dimensions of human experiences: space, time, causality and relationships to others." {ALINK(pagename=>What's New?,aname=>3June2011)}  More... {ALINK}

((What's New?|More news, more details...))


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This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon this website's content, even commercially, as long as they credit this website for the original creation.

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