From Wed Mar 1 07:05:24 2000 X-Digest-Num: 380 Message-ID: <> Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 10:05:24 EST From: Subject: Sets etc. "Wherefore all this strife there be / 'twixt Tweedle Dumm and Tweedle Dee?" A class is any collection of things conceived as together. Usually we think of it as all the things satisfying some formula: is a cow, is a root of equation..., etc., but in the full horrors of mathematics there are provably classes for which there is not formula (denumerably many formulae, non-denumerably many classes). A set is a class satisfying certain further conditions, amounting to its being able to be a member of other sets (though not so circularly -- actually recursively -- defined). A mass (in the Lojban sense) is a class considered in a certain way, additively rather than collectively or distributively. Almost all Lojban descriptors, LE, are about classes; they differ in how the properties ascribed to the class are related to the properties of the individuals that make it up. In the simplest cases, le and the like, the property of the class is that of some or all of its members (which is specified by the quantifier, explicit or implicit, used). For masses, the property is the sum (in some often quite inexplicit, even metaphorical, sense) of those of the members: the weight of a mass is literally the sum of the weights of the members, the triumph of the mass is the result of the combined efforts of the members (even including some that had a negative impact on that triumph -- the crowd stormed the Bastille despite some who ran away and some who aided the Ancien Regime), the performance of the school is some kind of average of the performances of the students, and so on (you have quite a bit of freedom here, but need to be able to explain if push comes to shove). And at some point, the whole can come down to the proeprty of one member, the logical summation of an "or," and thus collapse back toward the first sort of usage. Finally, a class may be viewed collectively, and then the properties attributed to it have little to do with the properties of the individual but rather with matters like how many there are of them or (more related to their proerties) what toher classes they belong to -- cardinality, inclusion, and the like -- set theoretic properties, in short, which only rarely have value in ordinary discourse. For the most part, then, the use of the set markers is, like all of MEX, in the system because someday we may want to talk mathematics, the most recognizable special language system within our (and every) language. so far we haven't been inclined to try that, but we should not be prevented from it for lack in the language (and, of course, we should not have help up the development of the language just to get it in -- and Lojban did not hold up....much). As for JCB's lo -- it was a muddle and everyone -- even JCB -- knew it was a muddle of half a dozen different ideas floating around in his head. I think we now have most of them sorted out in Lojban, though we still seem to get into fights over a few from time to time (and pretty generally, having forgetten how we solved it the last time, come up with the opposite solution the next). pc